Is Technology Good Or Bad?

Agnes Mair
3 min readNov 11, 2021


“Is technology good for health bad for education?” is a frequently asked question by many students in school today. This is because of the growing pressure from education experts claiming that the rapid spread of technology in schools may hamper the development of the next generation. Education experts from all over the world have recently been meeting at international seminars to discuss this issue.

At these meetings, several researchers from all over the world explain how technology has affected people’s activity levels. Also shows them how technology affects children’s minds and how it may not affect them in the future. They offer various arguments and studies on this topic. The goal of these seminars is to determine what is good or bad for education. If technology is good or bad for education, then which is good or bad for self-esteem?

A recent study by the National University was entitled “The Negative Effects of Technology on Children’s Self-Esteem: Implications for the Educational Process,” published in the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences. According to the researches, kids are the first generation to be affected by the harmful effects of computers. Computers can delay learning as well as increase attention span and memory deficiencies in kids. Some of them become slower in catching up, while others can have problems in comprehending what is taught to them.

Another negative effect that this technology has is that it can create an increased dependence on technology, making youngsters more dependent on computer applications. It also makes them dependent on the Internet for online shopping, communication, banking, education, and other activities that could create a loss if they do not get it right. In addition, there is a decline in traditional values and habits, as the youth of the world could not distinguish between what is right and wrong in their daily life.

Is technology good or bad for education? The question is not whether technology is good or bad for education. It is whether the effects are good or bad for education. According to a landmark study done by National Standards, technology is good if it helps students learn quickly and easily and enhances their learning ability and utilization. On the other hand, it is said to be bad if it destroys the quality of teaching, reduces student participation, and has negative impacts on learning.

In health care, there is a growing concern over the effect that technological advances are having on the health and well-being of human beings. As the rapid advancement of computerization and wireless networking is compromising the health of patients, the health care system is also suffering from similar threats. The negative impact is evident in many health areas. Moreover, there is a concern about the negative impacts of technological advancements on children’s health.

Is technology good or bad for society as a whole? This is a question that has been debated around the globe for decades. While some argue that technological advancements have improved the quality of life for human beings, others believe that advancements in technology have led to social and economic developments that have had adverse consequences on society.

Some of the effects that can be pointed out include increased crime rates, fewer educational opportunities for girls, irresponsible consumption of energy, increased dependence on fossil fuels, and so on. To the majority of people, technology is good while others believe that the advancements in the technological world are bad.

With so many unanswered questions, it is difficult to arrive at an answer as to whether technology is good or bad for humanity. But the truth is, this is impossible to control. Technological change is part and parcel of our existence and we cannot do anything to stop it. However, we could certainly protect ourselves against the negative impacts that technological advancements could create.



Agnes Mair

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