How to find peace — it is as simple as brushing our teeth!

Agnes Mair
4 min readOct 26, 2021


Do you ever wonder how to find peace of mind? Peace of mind refers to the way we perceive life and the world around us. We all have different ways of looking at the world and how to react to things that happen to us. Sometimes we make us and other times we allow our emotions to guide us.

If we are constantly bombarded with things to do and places to go, how to find peace of mind will become a burden for us. The best way to eliminate stress is to focus on one thing at a time. This will allow us to be more efficient in how we handle our lives and how to get the results that we want.

One great way to find peace of mind is to stop and look at other people around us. How do they handle themselves? What have they done that worked for them? People that have a strong inner peace have learned how to gain the respect and admiration of the people around them. They don’t worry about what people think of them and they have learned how to be happy with how things turn out for them even in the worst situations.

Some people get impatient with others and they can become impatient with themselves. The best way to deal with this is to learn how to remain in control of how things turn out. Sometimes this means making a decision and sticking with it. Tolerance is another aspect of how to find peace. If you don’t like someone or something, you have to tolerate it or you will never really feel peaceful.

Some people are afraid to experience discomfort because it causes fear. This type of avoidance causes them discomfort when it is not needed. A great example of how to do this is when you are walking on a beach at low tide. Some people may stay home and go to sleep at night because of the pain they may feel. Others will take the risk and go swimming at low tide.

Self-compassion is another way to find peace. It has to do with accepting and loving yourself completely. People who lack self-compassion don’t accept themselves as they are. People with high self-esteem and acceptance are less likely to be triggered by negative events into believing they are wrong.

Finally, how to find peace comes from your ability to stay present. If you are always worrying about something going wrong, you are only using your mind and not using your body. When your body is present, you are less likely to get stressed out. Staying present means that you stop and observe how the world is and how you feel about certain things before getting triggered into action.

Finding how to find peace is about accepting yourself for who you are. Accepting who you are doesn’t mean you have to change. Staying present means that you find a comfortable place in which to live and let go of the need to change. You then become more able to find joy and happiness with who you are and without the need to change because you are afraid it won’t be “right” for you. By taking the steps to learn how to find peace, you open yourself up to a life full of happiness and meaning.

Your nervous system and your breathing both have a direct effect on how you experience peace. Your nervous system makes you tense up and slows down. Your breathing also gets faster and more shallow. As your nervous system gets tight, your body responds by drawing more oxygen and blood to your muscles and your face. In turn, this creates a sense of calmness but it also constricts your breathing as your heart has to pump harder to get blood and oxygen to where it’s needed.

When you are ready to accept yourself for who you are, how to find peace then becomes knowing how to get rid of tension. As the tension begins to dissipate you notice that you aren’t being attacked anymore. The discomfort you were experiencing has been eliminated and you are no longer experiencing the low tide of discomfort. The low tide of discomfort is caused by your mind focusing on how to get rid of the discomfort. You can see how your mind becomes constricted and how it causes discomfort.

If you want to know how to find peace then start with yourself. Focus on how to change how your mind and body respond to many things in life. Find how to become comfortable with the discomfort and then take action to eliminate it. Once you have eliminated the discomfort your body and your mind will automatically become more relaxed.



Agnes Mair

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